I was watching an episode of Nigel Slater's Simple Suppers, and Nigel cooked up a simple leek risotto. It looked so tasty and comforting. Nigel was saying how he likes to make risotto at the end of a tiring week since it is warm, filling, cheap, and tasty. It reminded me of what Ele said recently, that risotto is amazingly easy, but impressive for a lot of people. It requires a bit more stirring that other dishes while they are cooking, but really, it's not at all hard. And it's an easy pantry staple.
I can see why Nigel and Ele think of risotto as a comfort food. Nigel finished his risotto cooking with this reflective comment, "You know, at the end of the day, I can't think of many things I'd rather do than just stand, very quietly, with a glass of wine in one hand and a wooden spoon in the other, just gently stirring the risotto. There's something very peaceful about it, very calming, all the stuff of the day seems to fade into into insignificance, because I'm just stirring my supper."