For the last two years, my mother has given me a page-a-day calendar at Christmas time. My "Teachers" calendar sits next to my work computer and has provided a few good classroom ideas and a few good laughs. Yesterday I was surpised to see a list of recipe ideas for apples. I'm not sure that here in the UK they have the idea that students bring their teachers apples. But apples are a firm favourite of mine; they are the perfect autumn fruit, so ruddy and crispy. Their colours remind me of the autumn leaves from home, which I dearly miss. They are cheap and plentiful at this time of year, and they are local. I am actually quite impressed by the apple ideas on this page. Here are some other apple ideas.
For an afternoon snack, eat sliced crisp apple with blobs of brie.
For "night lunch" (a bedtime snack), eat sliced apples sprinkled with cinnamon sugar. Drink a glass of milk on the side.
Make your own chunky apple sauce by simmering apples in a bit of water (with or without added sugar). Cook until the apples disintegrate. Mash a little if you like. Serve over porridge or yogurt, sprinkled with toasted hazelnuts and a little honey.
Apple crumble is always a fantastic and easy baked dessert.
Make oatmeal muffins with added chopped apple.