Here's a side dish from The Kitchen Revolution that I made to go with Bacon and Spinach Pancakes. The baked beans were easy--I just let them simmer away while I was preparing the more complicated parts of the meal.
Grown-Up Baked Beans
side dish for four people
3 T olive oil
1 large onion, finely sliced
2 garlic cloves
pinch of dried herbes de Provence
pinch of paprika
1 c white wine
1.5 x 400 g cans borlotti beans
1 x 400 g chopped tomatoes
1 t light brown sugar
Heat the oil and sweat the onion. Add the garlic, herbes de Provence, and paprika. Cook over a medium high heat for 5 minutes, then turn the heat up and add the wine. Bring to the boil and add the borlotti beans, tomatoes, and sugar.
Allow to boil then reduce the heat and simmer for half an hour or more.
I have been doing quite a few recipes from The Kitchen Revolution, but it is only a library book. So I am trying to keep it clean, especially while cooking spattering things like tomatoey beans.
Mmm, I love baked beans! I've been watching Jamie Oliver's new show and tried his Cowboy Baked Beans the other week. They were so good, rather less posh than yours though ;) Probably best for cooking on a weekend, as they bake for hours.
Found you today via Stone Soup. Making Grown Up Bakes Beans tonight... Thank you! As a vegetarian who loves to use home grown produce I love the premise of your blog. Regards, Merenia
(Adelaide, Australia)
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