It was one such evening when I was looking for a nice, light, simple meal. One night a week I have dinner at home alone while my husband is out. He was not home yet from his evening German lesson. And I have been learning to swim and had just arrived home from my swimming lesson. (We think it's pretty cool that we are both learning something right now.) After swimming I usually want a light, healthy meal. Also, it was a bit later than my usual eating time, so faster was better.
As it happened I was looking at the half packs of herbs and thinking about a light meal on the same night. And I remembered a Donna Hay recipe: ricotta and herb rigatoni. It's simply some pasta tubes tossed with chopped basil, parsley, and clods of ricotta. It was a choice for Wednesdays with Donna Hay earlier in April. When it was chosen, I made a note in my cookbook: "easy--pasta with raw toppings".
And tonight I made it into a salad--which is even easier because there is no cooking at all. Just a quick chop-chop-and-mix. I used daikon as the pasta replacement, and dill, parsley, and mint for the herbs. You can use whatever you want or need to eat immediately.
Herb Salad with Goat's Cheese
serves one
a third (about 100 g) of a medium daikon
a handful (about 50 g total) of mixed herbs
1/4 c (60 g) goat's cheese
1 T extra virgin olive oil
Grate the daikon and chop the herbs. Mix them in a small bowl.
Crumble over the goat's cheese, then drizzle with olive oil.
This dish is part of our Wednesdays with Donna Hay blogging group. If you want to join us, next week we are making coconut beef skewers from Off the Shelf
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