Think about the sensory perception involved in eating tandoori chicken wraps. You smell the spices and the ripe tomatoes. You can see the many colours and the steam coming off the chicken. You hear the lettuce rustling when you put your fingers in for a handful. And you feel the filling inside the flexible wrap when you're eating it. You taste the many flavours one at a time as you munch your dinner.
All five senses are involved in eating wraps. Many meals include just four: sight, hearing, smell, and taste. But adding the sense of touch makes eating better, I think. Eating food with your hands allows you to perceive it more joyfully.
The tandoori chicken pictured here was made using an Ellie Krieger recipe. They are wrapped in paleo wraps, though I made mine with tapioca flour instead of arrowroot powder. (These are the best grain-free wraps I have ever eaten!) On the side we ate cucumber salad with mint and garlic.
This dish is part of our Eating with Ellie blogging group. I am posting a little out of sequence with this one, since the other posted their tandoori chicken a little while ago. If you want to join us, next week we are making Parmesan-crusted chicken breasts from Weeknight Wonders
Which is most important for your enjoyment of dinner: sight, smell, hearing, touch, or taste?
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