Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Thai Basil and Cashew Stir-Fry

Sometimes my body just craves a big pile of vegetables. One of these days was last week during my half term holidays. After ten weeks at school my body was run down and seeking nutrients. What I needed was more sleep, less stress, and some highly healthy food.

In the past I have arrived at my half term break on the verge of illness. Many years I have made it to the Saturday after school ends and succumbed to a cold or the flu. I have laid on the couch and dribbled away my holiday.

This autumn the work-related stress was higher because I've taken a promotion. But I was determined to stay healthy if possible. I'm happy to say that I managed it this time!

When my body wants a big serving of vegetables, I usually feed myself salad. But cooking the veggies makes it easier on myself, since cooking is like pre-digesting a little bit. So I rustled up a massive vegetable stir-fry, inspired by Donna Hay.

Thai Basil and Cashew Stir-Fry
adapted from Modern Classics: Book 1
serves 2 or more

1 onion
2 cloves of garlic
1 jalapeño chilli
mild olive oil
a big pile of vegetables of your choice, possibly including: 1 yellow pepper, 1 big carrot, handfuls of snow peas and green beans, 10 baby corn ears
1/2 c (70 g) cashew nuts
20+ leaves of Thai basil
sesame oil
soy sauce

Finely chop the onion, garlic, and chilli.
Heat a large pan with some olive oil in the bottom.
When hot, add the onion, garlic, and chilli and fry for a few minutes.
Add the vegetables, hard ones first, in intervals of a few minutes.
Remove from the heat when all the veggies are cooked.
Sprinkle over the cashew nuts and Thai basil. Drizzle over some sesame oil and soy sauce.

This dish is part of our Wednesdays with Donna Hay blogging group. If you want to join us, next week we are making spicy sweet potato and quinoa soup. Visit the others in my blogging group to see if they liked the recipe: Margaret from Tea and Scones, Gaye from Laws of the Kitchen, and Chaya from Bizzy Bakes.

What's your body craving?

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