For my birthday this year I got the most amazing present - a sunrise breakfast with my husband as part of our holiday to Bali, Indoneisa. We were staying at a hotel with beautiful beach frontage, and he arranged for us to have a sunrise breakfast on the last day of our stay. The day before it happened, I found myself wondering, What would be served at an intimate table for two at sunrise?

We started with a mimosa: a cocktail made from half champagne and half orange juice. It was accompanied by a big tropical fruit salad an yogurt. The waitstaff did an admiral job of attending to our every need, especially considering we were sitting in a beach bale at the edge of the resort's property, several minutes' walk from the kitchen.

The main part of breakfast was eggs benedict, served with asparagus and salmon roe. The poached egg was perfect and still runny when I cut into it. The hollandaise sauce was warm and smooth. I confess I am not too enamoured with roe, but it seemed to fit here.

We spent some quiet time watching the sun come up as we sipped our cappuccinos. The waves were lapping gently in front of us as dawn broke and we rose from the table. This was a beautiful birthday breakfast.
When was the last time you saw the sunrise?
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