food reading links:
--Starbucks are going to start displaying calorie counts on their UK menus (from The Guardian). It should come as no surprise that plain coffee has virtually no calories, whereas the syrupy Praline Mocha with Whipped Cream has 555 calories.
--A helpful primer on sea vegetables (from Small Bites): their health benefits, where to buy them, and how to prepare them. Andy includes three recipes to get you started.
--Troubleshooting tips if your homemade bread is too dense (from The Kitchn).
--Six tips for interviewing someone successfully (from Dianne Jacob). As always, Dianne provides food writers with lots of excellent ideas and the comments are stuffed with more.

recipe links (lentil edition):
--I have been very much inspired by lentil dishes lately. Here is a version of sloppy joes made with lentils (from the edible perspective).
--Real Simple magazine published these lentil fritters, served in a pita with red cabbage coleslaw.
--Lentil flatbread, pictured above (from Natural Noshing), which I have already broken my blender on once. And I really want to make it again!
--A vegetarian version of meat loaf: lentil-walnut loaf (from Oh She Glows).
--Lentil, lemon, and yogurt soup sounds intriguing (from Vanilla Carrots).
off-topic links:
--The story of a woman who had been a three times hand cycling champion as a parathlete. Then she gets in an accident, goes into rehab, and regains use of her legs, now she's a pro cyclist!
--A list of top ten popular mathematics books (from The Guardian). "Mathematics is the Cinderella science: undervalued, underestimated, and misunderstood. Yet it has been one of the main driving forces behind human society for at least three millennia, it powers all of today's technology, and it underpins almost every aspect of our daily lives." Have a look at these books which make mathematics accessible.
--Why your camera strap is the worst piece of camera equipment in your bag (from Gourmande in the Kitchen). And a better solution.
What engrossing things have you seen around the internet?
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Katherine Martinelli · 685 weeks ago