My mother often makes pizza when guests come over. I decided to follow suit as we had some new friends visiting for dinner and to watch the Formula One. The dough recipe is part of the Fresh from the Oven baking group that Lauren from Coffee Muffins hosted this month. Have a look at the round up from the challenge.

I used my dough recipe to make one large pizza and one tray of garlic bread. The dough was fluffy but not too heavy, and it made great bases for both the pizza and garlic bread. The recipe starts the night before, and rests in the fridge overnight. Then it rises and gets pressed onto the pans. There's no kneading, just some heavy mixing on the first day. Overall the dough was simple to make and didn't require much preparation time at all. We topped it with tomato puree, sweetcorn, mushrooms, courgettes, green peppers, caramelised onions, and mozzarella.
I would definitely make pizza dough again. Next time I plan to use some whole wheat flour as well. I remember reading a few years ago about a fast version that uses soda instead of yeast, and I want to try that as well. So all I need to do is keep inviting people over so that we can keep eating pizza!
Wow - an enormous pizza - congratulations on rolling out one of that size. The topping looks delicious.
The pizza does indeed look delicious, but I'm wondering how Ant liked it without any meat! ;-)
I find that in the soda version there isn't enough flavour in the dough and the elasticity of the dough is quite minimal. Besides the overall taste is different and personally I don't like it.
By the way, I'm drooling over the look of your garlic bread!
Hmm...I hadn't thought of using it for garlic bread. Might try that. Hope you join in next month too.
Mmmmmm, it does look yum. But you're right - pizza is delicious in any form!!!
Jayme, Ant was too distracted by the garlic bread, thank goodness. And we had guests over so he couldn't complain too loudly! :)
Sally and Silvia, I have been over to see your lovely pizzas, too. Thanks for visiting.
Food for Think, I like that in your pizza pictures there is a small depth of field. And you choose different parts of the pizza to focus on.
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