A friend from work is going to Singapore in a couple of weeks for a girls' spa weekend. This makes me a bit jealous, I have to be honest. They are going to a snazzy hotel and she was telling me about the treatments they have lined up: the massages, the pedicures, the body wrap. How relaxing does that sound? And then they will shop and chat... and eat great food. When I think of spa food I imagine it to be healthy, colourful stuff, packed full of nutrients. It's the kind of food that you want to put in your body after the exfoliating wrap and the cleansing facial, the kind that rejuvenates you from the inside out.

While I am not at a spa weekend in Singapore, I can still eat the great food that goes with it. This salad is light but filling, crunchy with its fresh veggies and tasty with the tangy dressing. I enjoyed it with my dinner tonight. And maybe I'll go for a massage tomorrow.
Red Cabbage and Carrot Curls Salad
serves 2
for the salad:
a third of a head (100 g) red cabbage
half a yellow pepper
1 carrot
1 stalk of spring onion
1 T pine nuts
for the dressing:
juice of 1 lime (about 1 T)
2 T olive oil
1 t Dijon mustard
salt and pepper
Thinly slice the red cabbage.
Dice the yellow pepper.
Hold the carrot on the thin end. Use a peeler to make long, thin curls out of half the carrot.
Thinly slice the spring onion.
Mix all the salad ingredients together.
Whisk together the dressing ingredients and then toss lightly with the salad.
Lou · 728 weeks ago
My recent post 100th Post
Kirsten · 728 weeks ago
simply_cooked 77p · 728 weeks ago
spike · 728 weeks ago
mochachocolatarita · 728 weeks ago
ps. I wish I could go for a girlie trip to Singapore too T_T
simply_cooked 77p · 727 weeks ago
Sarah · 726 weeks ago
simply_cooked 77p · 726 weeks ago
Katherine · 698 weeks ago
My recent post Slow-Roasted Tomatoes and 10 Things to Do With Them
mary · 649 weeks ago
simply_cooked 77p · 649 weeks ago
clothing factory · 506 weeks ago