Are you a Nigella lover? I know so many people who are--and now I wonder if I might join the trend. With a new blog event, Forever Nigella, hosted by Sarah at Maison Cupcake, I am bound to learn more about her and her recipes. To start things off, I made this seasonal soup, based on a recipe from Nigella's website. (Please visit the website for the recipe.)

There are two things I want to gain from Nigella while I get to know her. First, her cooking seems wonderfully homey, relaxed, and dependable. I can imagine that her recipes will be easy to follow and fit right in with our kitchen habits. Secondly, I find Nigella enjoyable in how expressive she can be with her language. I had a few chuckles over some of her turns of phrase while reading her blog. As an example, here's her description of a perfect fish and chip dinner she tried:
And the batter! The batter on my fillet of plaice was so crunchy and crisp that I had to phone up my husband and hold the mobile to the plate so he could hear the percussive scrunch it made as I put my knife in (from Nigella's blog on 4 March 2009).
I would imagine that a lot of Nigella fans can mention both a favourite recipe and a favourite quote. If you have a pair, why not share it in the comments? After a few more months of Forever Nigella, I'm sure I will be able to chime in as well.

I am a huge Nigella fan, and wish my ooh and ahh could be as sexy and delicious as hers ;)
Rita, I agree. How does she do it?
I'm racking my brains which book this was from, I think I've even made it myself years ago after Christmas once when the house was filled with leftover Stilton. An outwardly healthy dish but still remains indulgent with that cheese!
I have far to many favourite recipes to mention... she's introduced me to some great ingredients like halloumi and bok choi over the years, lots of things I discovered through her.
Thank you so much for taking part in the first Forever Nigella! I hope to see you again in future months.
Sarah, I have yet to purchase any Nigella books. Maybe I shall get some from the library to help me decide. :) Thanks for hosting this event, I'm looking forward to seeing all the entries. I spent a lovely half hour looking around today at all the early ones and really enjoyed what I saw.
My favourite recipe is Rocky Road and as for favourite quote, anything she says about not doing dieting! I believe that too! Your dish looks amazing. Well done! :-)
Yes, Jo, she's so refreshing about being happy with herself. Here's to more self-confidence like Nigella's!
The soup looks delicious, just what you need to get through a cold winter!
My favourite Nigella book is Feast, as yet I've not had a bad recipe from it! Favourite recipe is probably Nigella's Malteser Cake...delicious!
Rebecca, thanks for the book recommendation. Have you also made some of the savory recipes? That would be more up my alley. :)
I love How To Eat - it is brim full of wonderful recipes.
Your soup looks truely delicious.
Hi Brownieville Girl, thanks for the book recommendation. How to Eat appeals to me... I went over to Nigella.com and read a bit about it and I see that it's quite informative. Thanks for visiting!
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